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DOSCAR Utility

NEW! A newer version of this program can be found here.

This program is for splitting DOSCAR file created by VASP and/or sum up the atomic projected DOS over some groups of atoms

dosutil : Split DOSCAR into total DOS (TDOS) and projected DOS for all atoms (LDOSxxx)
dosutil -h : Display program help
dosutil -s N1 N2 : Sum up projected DOS from atom N1 to atom N2
dosutil -s N1 N2 N3... : Sum up projected DOS of atoms N1, N2, N3,...

• The Fermi level is shifted to zero for output file(s)
• When doing calculations in VASP package, please use LORBIT=2 option in INCAR file

This program is a closed source software. Everyone can use it for free of charge.

Select the appropriate platform to download a binary of the program:
Linux, x86 (ifort)
Mac OS X, Intel (ifort)
If you need the F90 source code, please contact me.